Equus africanus asinus Female donkeys are called jennies, and males are called jacks. Baby donkeys are called foals. Females are pregnant for 11 months and give birth to one foal at a time. Multiple births are very uncommon. People often breed their female horses to jack donkeys to get mules. The young born to the cross between a female donkey and a male horse is called a hinny. Mules and hinnies are sterile because horses and donkeys have a different number of chromosomes. |
Donkeys and humans have a relationship that dates back thousands of years. They have been used for riding, packing, and pulling carts and machinery. They are known for their strength and sure feet, as well as for their stubborn streak. Many farmers employ donkeys as guards for their sheep, goats, or even young cattle to protect them from coyotes and stray dogs. Rather than running away from the predator, the donkey will often run towards them, chasing them away from the other animals. Donkeys can also make lovely pets and companions for other animals Donkeys come in a large range of sizes. Miniature donkeys are those that stand less than 36" at the withers, or shoulder. Standard donkeys are between 36" and 48" tall. Donkeys that are 48" to 56" are considered to be large standards and those standing over 56" at the withers are called mamoth donkeys. |