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Bar C Ranch

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Our dromedary camel Eli puckers up for the camera.

Family Photos

Bar C Ranch is home to some very special animals. Meet some of them here:

Sherman, born in 2006, hitches a ride on the ample shell of Bantu. Bantu was born in 1998. They are both African Spurred Tortoises.

Our Australian shepherd Emma. The look says it all.

Sugar gliders hang out in their pouch, created as a story time with the animas show craft.

A family of chickens enjoys the sun in the backyard.

Baby donkey, Bella, hangs out with mom Izzy.

Harry the Hedgehog gets a prickly kiss.

Enjoying a moment of relaxation at a zoo at a company picnic in Great Falls, VA. Bearded dragon “Norberta” found a comfortable perch.

To contact us:

Jennifer: 540-539-7689



Wil: 540-539-7690
